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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you prepared for the worst?

We used to be the "Strongest Nation" and the most revered.....NOT anymore. We have become weak and have become submissive with our know enemies. After watching, listening, and reading what is happening all around us......  I believe there will be a catastrophic event that will occur w/n our life time......10yrs if not sooner. If there is a Nuclear Fall out.....approximately 2.4 billion people will be annihilated. Civil Unrest will be upon us. What are you doing to prepare yourselves for this cataclysmic event? There won't be enough food, water, medicine anything of the like. Are you prepared for the worst? Should you even worry? We have become so complacent with our way of life that we think nothing can or ever will change our way of life.......until something happens and catches us off guard. Wouldn't you want to be prepared instead of caught of guard? Just something to ponder on. <3>

By the grace of God...

By the grace of God I woke up this morning and my house was still intact after the torrential rain storm and high winds. Praise God! I am ever so grateful! :) ♥

Only "YOU" can change your life...

People can give you suggestions or guide you regarding your life, but it ultimately comes down to you. You learn from all your mistakes and grow from them and become wiser or ignore them to repeat the same mistakes over and over again without learning anything it is trying to teach you and become stagnant. Only "YOU" can change your life if you really want to. No excuses. ♥

Give God all your worries...

Give God all your worries and know that He will handle all your needs and solve your problems for He is bigger than you and them combined. ♥

It takes a strong and mature person to walk away from all the unncessary drama....

It takes a strong and mature person to walk away from all the unnecessary drama and to hold your head high doing so. Know the problem is with them.........NOT you. ♥

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

People will always talk about you and spread rumors even if you are a good person.....

People will always talk about you and spread rumors even if you are a good person. It takes a strong and mature person to walk away from all the unnecessary drama and to hold your head high doing so. Know the problem is with them.........NOT you. ♥

You can't just live for yourself...

Your life isn't about living it for yourself, it's about living for Him. ♥

Happiness has to come from within....

Happiness has to come from within......It has to be tied to goals not people or objects. A thankful heart is a happy heart. ♥

Words can heal or hurt....

Be mindful before you speak. Words can heal or hurt depending on the tone of voice, how you say it and what you say. Your words can either be kind,uplifting,and inspiring or sharp like a dagger and cuts deeply while wounding into your very soul and heart. Choose wisely.......your words might be the last that person hears for the day.

Insecurity and Jealousy is an......

Insecurity just like jealousy is an ugly thing.......they both stem from your insecurities about yourselves therefore thrusting that onto an innocent victim hence bullying. No matter how bad you feel about yourself......there is NO excuse for bullying to make yourself feel better about yourself. NONE!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A better tomorrow...

You can't have a better tomorrow if you're constantly thinking about yesterday. ♥

I am so blessed...

I am so blessed!!! I can't think God enough for all He's done......Always by my side and always providing without fail. Life has been hard, but it could be that much harder w/o Him in my life. He is my rock and source of strength. I couldn't have made it this far w/o Him in my life. ♥

Laughter soothes the soul....

Laughter soothes the soul. Enjoy and appreciate the little things in life. You will not only live longer,but happier. ♥

It's better to be persistent....

It is better to be persistent than to just give up. Persistence gives you the hope to carry on whereas giving up leads to nowhere. The clue is to NEVER EVER give up. ♥

Words simply can't describe....

No matter how many quotes you read, how many song lyrics you listen to or write your heart out......words simply can't describe how you feel.......that is when you bring everything to God. He knows what lies on our hearts w/o ever having to speak. Give it all up to Him. He is stronger than your troubles. ♥

Failures are God's lessons....

Failures are God's lessons for Life so we can grow from them. ♥


Fear can be a detriment not only to our relationships, but Life in general. Yes we need some fear to keep us safe and to know when to run and protect ourselves from imminent danger........the fight-or-flight response;however too much fear can leave us lonely and in despair. Too much fear won't allow us to succeed in Life and to ascertain our goals. Once we overcome our fear and the thought of failing and put one foot in front of the other we have now moved from fear to courage. And this new found courage will lead us to move forward and onward with our lives.......one step at a time. ♥

"Why Me" you say.....

You may think at times, "Why me"? "Woe is me attitude" all the while you have more than most. If you woke up today, God blessed you with another day to make a brand new day great and with purpose or to do it over and better than yesterday. If you have your health, you are still able to do for yourself and be independent, you have a roof over your head, food in the refrigerator, and clothes on your back..........not to mention the love of family and friends with God as your compass......then you my friend have more than you realize. You may be out of a job, bills may be piling up, groceries are skyrocketing along with health insurance, but you know what...........someone somewhere is wishing they had half your worries for they have nothing as grand as yours. They have no home to worry about paying the bills, they have lost loved ones and family to war or illnesses. They have to pilfer anywhere they can for food and hope and pray they find a safe place to lay their head at night w/o fear of being raped and/or killed. You are so blessed beyond your means, that you can't even see it. So instead of complaining......be grateful and thankful for the things you do have for this too can be taken away at a moment's notice. ♥