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Monday, June 24, 2013

Learn from the past,but live in the present. The present is...

Learn from the past, but live in the present. The present is just that, a gift. Once it is gone, you can't get it back.

Let your mistakes make you wise and...

Let your mistakes make you wiser and stronger.......a better person, not a bitter person.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Forgiveness is the healing process in order for you to move on with...

Forgiveness is the healing process in order for you to move on with your life w/o bitterness, anger, or resentment. You can't live if you're angry and want revenge on those who hurt you. Let it go.....free yourself and live for Him not them in mind.<3 span="">

Friday, June 21, 2013

Pray to God to have eyes that see who needs...

Pray to God to have eyes that see who needs your time and love. To see who are truly hurting and in turmoil behind their facade and "Fake Smile". Pray to have a heart that discerns who is in trouble, unspoken or otherwise. Pray to have ears that will hear the hurt or fear in their voice. Extend your heart and hand to help those in turmoil. A smile hides a lot and only the eyes of a kind heart full of God's love and grace shall see and mend those that need someone to show them the way and to let them know that everything will be alright. Be the light in their darkness. Let God direct your path to those who need you today.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleaning out closets of your life...

There are times we will have to open our closets to our lives and clean it out. Throw out and throw away anything and anyone that is NOT productive to your growth, spiritual, or otherwise. They must be relinquished for your own good. Connect with like-minded people and people who will uplift you and not bring you down to their level. A lot of mishaps, misunderstandings, and judgments come from jealousy,but be mature enough to just walk away with your head held high knowing that you will not come down to their level. Pray for the lost souls and move on. God is the only "friend" and "family" you need to get you through what you are going through. After all, you are living for Him not for the negative people around you wishing you harm. Stay STRONG! God bless

Monday, June 17, 2013

When God closes a door...

When God closes a door......don't always look for the obvious......He may have opened a window for an opportunity vs another door.

He is my water to my thirst...

When God closes a door...

When God closes a door......don't always look for the obvious......He may have opened a window for an opportunity vs another door.

When God closes a door.....

When God closes a door......don't always look for the obvious......He may have opened a window for an opportunity vs another door.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Go as long as you can and then take another step. If you feel as though you can't ....

Go as long as you can and then take another step. If you feel as though you can't take another step, then crawl. The point is.........NEVER EVER give up! Keep moving forward. With God by your side and your perseverance.....you WILL make it to your destination and you will do so knowing God was by your side the whole way. The "Faith" you have now will carry you through. God bless

Friday, June 7, 2013

Just as we trust God to carry us through the storms of our lives.....

Just as we trust God to carry us through the storms of our lives, trust Him with your heart as well. Let Him come in and take over where there once was confusion, hatred, and full of "Self" and let it wash away such as the tides that come to shore and roll out with the waves of the ocean. Let their only remain serenity, compassion, and love for ALL.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken, it simply means...

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken, it simply means you were put to the test and you survived......you did not fall into tiny pieces. The crack allowed you to bend instead of to the point of breaking your faith in yourself, mankind and God.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Why do you put limitations on yourselves when limitations are of no concern for the ones who are truly lmited to some degree..

Why do you put limitations on yourselves when limitations are of no concern for the ones who are truly limited to some degree? Perseverance and courage along with God by our side will get us farther than allowing ourselves to stand in our own way.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Yes, I am a Christan, but it doesn't mean I am perfect....

Yes, I am a Christian,but it doesn't mean I am perfect. I have and will continue to make mistakes, but God's grace is so much BIGGER than my sins. I am blessed to have Him as my Father and confidante. He is and always will be my "Everything". Without Him I am nothing.....with Him, I am but a child of God who is loved unconditionally.