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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Life is like a box of chocolates.........We are all so diverse in our way of thinking and in our appearances. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you run into nuts. It all comes down to how you react when you come in contact with negative people. These people are meant to help you grow as a person and to find the best possible you there is deep inside of you. It is how you come out the other end that makes you a stronger person or not. <3 br="">


No one has the right to judge you. They haven't been where you've been or felt what you felt and until they walk in your shoes, they can't know. ♥

Like a flat tire.....

Anxiety and worry are of the devil. The negativity is of the devil. But just like a flat tire, your bad attitude along with anxiety and worry won't get you anywhere until you change your mind set and give it up to God. Trust God and the outcome will be much better than you anticipated. <3 br="">

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

True love...

True love sees past our flaws and imperfections and focuses on the heart and soul of a person. ♥

You are enough..

Remember, You are "Enough" and if the other person can't see that.....then they don't deserve you. ♥

Monday, February 25, 2013

As parents...

As parents...........We are to be "selfless" and "sacrifice" for our children. We need to always put our children needs and wants ahead of our own. They weren't asked to be born;therefore we should give up our wants,desires, and needs for the sake of our children. To put your needs ahead of your children is just plain selfish.<3 br="">


Don't let each day pass without sharing a kind word or a smile. It costs nothing to be kind and it causes so many good reactions. To some.......it is the answer they were waiting for from above to go on or not. ♥

Sunday, February 24, 2013


We strive to be "Beautiful" just like all the other people we see around us. What you don't understand is, "YOU ARE" just as beautiful as they are. YOU just have a different kind of beauty.......one that suits you. Your beauty is like no one else and why should you want to be like some one else when you can be the best possible YOU that YOU can be. No one is like YOU no one will ever be.And that my friend is the "Beauty" of it all. Only YOU can be the best possible YOU. ♥

Celebrate who you are..

Celebrate who you are and that includes being unique. God made YOU the way you are for a reason. We are all so diverse and we all have our own talents to share with the world. Your job is to find it within yourself with the help of God. ♥

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Follow your own path..

You don't need to be a follower of others, for they may be wrong. Follow your own path and a path that is filled with  God and you can't go wrong. <3 br="">

Stop criticizing yourself...

Instead of beating yourself up all the time, try loving and accepting yourself. Yes, flaws and all. There are too many people already willing to berate you and talk down to you, why do you want to do the same of yourself? Love yourself enough to "like" yourself and all that you are and all that you have to give. Your life does have a purpose. All you have to do to find out what your purpose is.....is to look to God.

We are not meant to be people pleasers....

Remember, we are not suppose to be people pleasers, we are suppose to be God pleasers. It doesn't matter what people say about you to your face or behind your back......you were put here for a specific reason and that reason is to live for God. You need to be concerned what He thinks of you and you need to please Him. He is your salvation, not those that reside here on earth, but your Father in Heaven. For you are merely passing through in this life until you are called home. ♥

Friday, February 22, 2013

Without a dream...

Without a dream there is no goal. Without hope there is no use of going on. Without love, there is no feeling or emotion. Most importantly, without God we are nothing. But with God........we have all of these and more. ♥

Thursday, February 21, 2013


BEWARE: Ladies beware of new friend requests from men that are divorced and/or widowed and usually have one young child,sometimes an older child. These men usually works  in the construction business and/or oil rigs and gas companies or overseas and/or on the ocean rigs and ocean liners. They will at first want to be friends then quickly want a romantic relationship with you and at some point will ask you for money. Some of the reasons they request for money may be they need to help their child and may not have gotten paid yet and can't wait to get paid, while working overseas or on the ocean rigs, they  lost their passport and/or wallet, credit card etc. They have no money to get back home and or no money to feed their child or take their child to a hospital due to illness. Be very skeptical, cautious, and wise to their tactics.They steal someone's photo, usually a pleasing to the eye photo and use fake names. Google your supposed new friend to see if he/she is legit,but whatever you do......DO NOT under any circumstances send them any of your hard earned money.The same goes for you men. Many have been exposed;however there are multitudes that  have not been exposed. They prey on the lonely and tug on your heart strings. This has been all over the news. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God bless 

God's love will sustain...

God's love will sustain our hearts and in time when our hearts heal and become stronger, we will smile at the sound of our loved ones names instead of breaking down and crying all the time. Although our loved ones are gone physically they are in a much better place......a happier place. A place w/o any pain, suffering, or tears. A place called Heaven. They are gone, but never ever forgotten.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'll always be there for you....

No matter what I am doing...I'll always be there for you. No matter how late it is or how far you are.....I'll always be there for you my baby. I love you now and always.......until I take my last breath I'll always be there for you. ♥


I sit here with a heavy and sad heart. I lost a very dear friend of mine who went to be with the Lord. The only solace that I take from this is that he didn't suffer......he died in his sleep in his favorite chair while listening to Christian music and that he is now with his Heavenly Father. He has left us with many good and warm memories. He was an inspiration to all he came across. He touched so many lives.......on here and in life.

We had the pleasure of knowing him even if for a short while, it is better to have known him a short time than to have not known him at all. My life was better for having him in my life.

A wonderful man of God will be missed by all and was loved by all. You are gone Vince Campo, but you will never be forgotten. We will meet up again one day.....until then keep a seat warm for me.

Love you my dear man of God,
Mary :'(

May your smile...

May your smile brighten someone's day. May your hands help someone in need. May your heart be so big that you see past the faults of others because you also have some of your own. May you spread love and joy wherever you go. May you leave a good lasting impression. ♥

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hope is never so lost that it can't be found. <3>

God is my "Compass"...

God is my "Compass" for He will never direct me into something that won't better me and bring me closer to Him.

Monday, February 18, 2013

More of Him and less of ourselves....

We need more of Him and less of ourselves. Stop thinking you are in control of your life, just follow God's lead.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Love yourself...

Until you learn to truly "LOVE" yourself and accept yourself...............nothing can ever make you happy because you have to live with yourself the rest of your life. Stop comparing yourself to others. We are all here for a different reason. You are worthy and your life does count..........it does mean something. You do make a difference whether you believe it or not. ♥

Animals and children are meant to be loved...

If you don't know how to treat a living and breathing being such as animals or children........DON'T have them. They are meant to be "LOVED" not mistreated and abused. ♥

So many people have asked me how did I get so many FB friends and followers....

So many people have asked how did I get over 5000 friends and so many followers? I truly don't know, but I was just merely being myself and posting and sharing from my heart. It is NOT how many FB friends and followers that you have that validates you as a person. Don't compare yourself to others. What is important is what you do with what you have........Jesus only had 12 disciples. Look what He accomplished. ♥

Contemplating Suicide?

Things happen to all of us. Life happens. People will come in and out of our lives for a reason......like the Seasons. Some people are meant to hurt you to make you stronger, they will leave you once you have learned what you needed to learn from them and perhaps learn something of yourself in the process. You will have good days and you will have your bad days. But as long as you focus on what is important such as God and give over your burdens and problems over to Him while having faith........ He will and can handle all your burdens and problems ......Just let go and let God. I am not saying it is going to be easy as pie, but it will be so worth it in the end. Just know that you are not alone in this world. You were born for a reason. You do have a purpose. You are so much worth more than you give yourself credit for. God has a plan for you despite the hopelessness you may feel right now. Before you even contemplate suicide......know that it is the easy way out and not what God had intended for your life. If you don't have close friends who you can talk and share your problems and feelings with or people who are qualified to help you in your time of need......then please contact someone you trust & tell them what you are contemplating. Most of these calls can remain anonymous. Below are a list of numbers if you so choose to need them. May God bless you now and forever. *+*  
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

1-800-723-TALK (8255)

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Deaf Hotline 1-800-799-4TTY

Nine Line 1-800-999-9999

Holy Spirit Teenline

Crisis Intervention
1- 888- 596-4447

Crisis Intervention

Psalm 34:18 "When someone is hurting or brokenhearted, the Eternal moves in close and revives him in his pain."

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hard times....

Times may be hard, your heart may be broken, you've lost a loved one to be with the Lord, bills are piling up, there is discord among friends and family, your health has worsened, but you know what..............it can't remain bad forever. Remain positive and have faith that God is working things out for you behind the scenes. Don't EVER EVER give up. Even a dead clock shows the correct time twice in one day. There is light at the end of the tunnel. ♥

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Corruption, lies, alibies not to mention the "TRUTH".....

Christopher Jordan Dorner,

First let me say that I commend you for standing up for the "Truth" and for your rights not to mention your good  name. I however, do NOT concur with you retaliating against the ones who lied, betrayed,and wronged you. To go as far as threatening their family and children is wrong. They are innocent by-products in this web of lies and wrongful doing. After reading, researching, and listening and watching the news along with your complete manifesto, I do believe there is a cover up of some sort. I do believe you are or were a stand up man with integrity and morals, but as I always told my daughter, "Two wrongs don't make a right".

I read where you stated you were not a man of God, but to take matters such as taking away someone's life or their loved ones life to prove your point is not only morally and ethically wrong, but so wrong in the eyes of  God. You could have alerted the media, radio stations and the like to have gotten your point across without any blood shed along the way.

Romans 12:17-21 ESV
Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I have prayed for you and I will continue to do so. God will see to it that the "Truth" whatever it may be come to light, maybe not today, not tomorrow, or even a month from now, but they who did wrong shall pay in the eyes of  the Lord.....eventually. Have solace that God's wrath is like none other.

I will pray for your soul to forgive those who have betrayed you and hurt you with all the lies and deceit. To forgive them is not for them,but for you. So you can live in peace and move forward with your life. Hatred and violence begets hatred and violence whereas love and forgiveness breeds the same.

May God bless you and keep you now and forever. *+*  <3 br="">


Even though cancer takes away certain things that make you feel less feminine or less of a woman such as losing all your hair..........Remember this,.............Your "true beauty" doesn't stem from your hair, it comes from within. Cancer can take away many things from us such as loss of energy, loss of appetite, but it can never take away what we hold deep inside such as our dignity,love of self and the will to go on. ♥

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Forever in our hearts...

Sometimes people can remain forever in our hearts, but aren't meant to be in our lives for one reason or another. ♥

You can't catch...

You can't catch bees with vinegar, but only with the sweet nectar of honey such as our words towards others. ♥

Think before...

Think before you speak and act for neither can be taken back. ♥

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The truth is always better than a lie.....always. For the truth will find it's way eventually. ♥

Hold on...

Just when you think you can't hold on any longer......hold on some more! God is testing you. He is trying to lead your life by "Faith", not sight. We have become so reliant on ourselves that He has to get our attention somehow,hence all the trials and tribulations. God's lessons in Life will make you stronger if you will let Him in and let go. Don't be so foolish to think you can do all this on your own because surely as you think that.....God will show you otherwise.....to get your attention and to come back to Him. Most of all.......P.U.S.H. (Pray until something happens). God bless *+* ♥

So Dog Gone Funny!: 1051 Stroller Dog

So Dog Gone Funny!: 1051 Stroller Dog: I want to see more Funny Dog Videos I want to see more Funny Dog Pictures HOME

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don't hate, don't judge....

Don't hate, don't judge, esp don't get revenge...... because 2 wrongs don't make a right. Either way you have become just as bad as the person who wronged you. Just observe and listen to what people and your circumstances are trying to teach you. Have an open mind and an open heart along with prayers for guidance and strength. ♥

Monday, February 4, 2013


Cheating is just WRONG! If you are unhappy.......leave. It is better to be happy and alone then unhappy and being in an unhappy relationship. Show the other person some respect and leave them with some dignity.

It will get better...

Maybe not today, tomorrow, or the next day,but eventually it will get better. Stay strong and keep moving with one foot in front of the other. ♥

Sunday, February 3, 2013


It takes a lifetime to build up trust and only one lie to shatter it in a day. ♥

I once was lost....

God found me and turned my life around. I am ever so grateful and humbled by His love. I am still a work in progress, but I hope I never stop trying to do my best for Him. ♥

We all must make a decision of....

We all must make a decision of what is "Right" and what is easy. ♥

Don't let anyone bring you down...

You are the only one to give people permission to hurt you and bring you down. Don't let them. Know that you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. Stand up for your rights......stand up for YOU.  <3 br="">

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pay it forward. You get what you give...



Love and humanity...

I don't know why we as a whole don't bother with doing this anymore. Is it because we are all so busy with our own lives that we don't bother to think of others along the way? Are we really that selfish to give a blind eye to those around us that needs some or all of this the most? ~A smile reflects, "Hey, someone acknowledges me. I must be OK. I am worthy." this can soothe the soul. A kind word can live on forever in the hearts that so desperately needed to hear it. A helping hand that does it because it is the right thing to do, not a hand that pushes away.  A love that is given freely and without expecting anything in return. To do for others because it comes from the heart and it is the right thing to do not to expect anything in return........a Christian thing to do. When you're brethren have fallen,isn't it our responsibility to be there for them any way we can? Wouldn't you want that for yourself? Just sayin. God bless *+* <3 br="">

Friday, February 1, 2013

Verbal abuse...

 Why would someone knowingly allow their significant partner, supposed loved one,to berate, demean, belittle her all the while he's continually looking for someone better while still with her? That is a form of bullying and mental,emotional and verbal abuse. It can be as devastating as the physical abuse if not more so. Don't think you don't deserve more for yourself because you do. He has the issues, not you. Run while you can and never ever look back........it is NEVER too late to change your life around and move on with your life. And when the heart has healed and the time is right......."True Love" will find you and "Love" YOU for who you are and not what you are or what you can do for the other person. Keep your head held high. ♥

Money can't buy you class..

No matter how much money you have......it can't buy you "Class". <3 p="">