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Thursday, May 30, 2013

We all have a built-in GPS inside us all and that GPS is....

We all have a built-in GPS inside us all and that GPS is the small still voice of "God Performance Standards". The difference is, some of us choose to listen and adhere to it while others plainly ignore it.

I know you are suffering and going through so much right now, but...

I know you are suffering and going through so much right now,but just remember this.........God only gives His biggest struggles to only His strongest warriors. Just hang in there.....your blessings will be doubled at the end of your trials and tribulations and it is just around the corner. DON"T ever give up.....just keep praying and putting one foot in front of the other. If you give up before the storm is over, you would have missed out on the blessing that is just around the corner. Just like the rainbow comes after a bad storm so shall your blessing come after your storm in life.<3 span="">

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trust me, it seems like it can't get any worse right now, but....

Trust me, it seems like it can't get any worse right now, but in time it will get better. Just have some faith and hold steadfast to praying. Even a broke clock has the correct time twice a day.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself...

Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. God forgave you and Jesus already paid the price. Start loving yourself again and start living.

Whenever someone says something negative about you, just......

Whenever someone says something negative about you, just say to yourself, "What YOU think of me is really none of my business". Do you know why? Because they don't matter. Who does matter is God. He is the only one you should concern yourself with. You live for Him, not people.

Don't let your past keep you from your present..

Don't let your embarrassment, humiliation, and regrets from your past infringe upon the present. You don't live there any more and as such, you're missing out on the present. The present is just that, a gift. You're not that person anymore, you've grown and matured and all the much wiser for it. So, forgive yourself...... start befriending yourself and love yourself as God does. He forgave you, isn't it about time you forgave yourself? <3 br="">

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our words can mean so much to us or it can break our psyche..

Our own words can mean so much to us or it can break our psyche. It is all in the wording. So, be careful what you choose to say to yourself. Be kind to yourself and start speaking and thinking only positive and loving thoughts. Remember, you are loved by God the most high.....you have a purpose and you are worthy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The color of our skin doesn't define who we are as a person...

The color of our skin doesn't define who we are as a person, but our personality and how we treat other living beings reflects our heart and who we truly are as a person. Our actions speaks louder than words. You can say one thing, but your actions reflects the "True" YOU.

We are all so diverse in our way of thinking and comprehending of what is said...

We are all so diverse in our way of thinking and comprehending of what is said, read, or written. Two people may read the same article and come away with two separate point of views or understanding of what they read. Therefore, perhaps, if someone comes across something they read by an individual and before they get offended by what they read or any accusations being said, to please ask the person who wrote it and ask what was meant by it prior to getting upset and misconstruing something that was taken out of context, all causing mayhem where it should not have been. When someone sincerely apologizes for upsetting the individual(s), unintentionally I might add, then it should be taken at face value.....nothing more, nothing less. A sincere apology from the heart should be accepted and the unrelenting of the issue should be put to rest. Just pray and walk away when all else fails. <3 br="">

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We all have a purpose in life...

We all have a purpose in life. It is up to you to find out what you're purpose is. Unwrap your God given present called talent and pray for His divine intervention for guidance. When you find out what your purpose is..........do it with love and compassion as He would.

Monday, May 20, 2013

2nc chances are called, "Tomorrow".....

So today might have been a bad day, but you have a 2nd chance to make things better, a 2nd chance to say "I'm Sorry", or a 2nd chance to say,"I love you" because tomorrow is another day......your 2nd chance full of new ideas, hopes and possibilities.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Be a good person,but don't try to prove it...

"Be a good person, but don't try to prove it." Let it come.......let it go and keep repeating the process. Don't do it for "Recognition", do it because it is the "Right" thing to do. God knows what lies in your heart. You will be rewarded in the end.

I do so because God blesses me and I turn what to be a blessing to others...

Throughout the years and just recently again, people keep finding out what I had done for others through the grapevine. They then came to me and asked me why I didn't tell everyone what I done for people because I should be recognized. My question to them is? "Why". When I do something nice or good for people whether it be family.friends, strangers, or even foe......I do it because it was either the right thing to do at the time, it needed to be done and someone had to step up, or just because it came from the goodness of my heart. I have done many a things anonymously when I could. I never expected to be repaid or acknowledged for what I had done. I know the people whom I have helped along the way in some form or another appreciated it either by their heartfelt smile, great BIG ((HUGS)) and/or tears of gratitude. That was my repayment. That said it all to me. It came from their heart to mine. I don't do good things to be a "Martyr" or to allow others to pat myself on the back when I don't even pat myself on the back. I don't want to be recognized.....just knowing they are happy means a lot to me and they have one less thing to worry about. God knows what is in their hearts and mine too. God blesses me in so many ways and I choose to be a blessing to others in however I can, however God chooses me to. So, to all those who keep asking me......this is my response. God bless

People are so unhappy with themselves or the lives they are living that when....

People are so unhappy with themselves or the lives they are living that when they see an innocent soul.....they attack. Just remember, it is NOT you, it is all about them. Just walk away knowing this and pray for their lost wounded soul.

Friday, May 17, 2013

We all need to be reminded from time to time how "Special"...

We all need to be reminded from time to time how "Special" and "Worthy" we are. How creative, intelligent, loving, beautiful human beings we are and maybe, just maybe, one day we will begin to believe this ourselves if we're told this enough times.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Clean House" and "Detox" your life and yourself....

If your life isn't going the way you want it to or there are too many negatives......"CLEAN HOUSE"......."DETOX" your life and yourself. Rid your life of any negatives. This is to include all the "Fake" friends who may smile to your face and talk badly and enviously behind your back. The "Player" that is with you half-heartedly while still playing his/her games behind your back. The job that is not fulfilling and not rewarding....a job that is leading you to nowhere. We all have choices and the choice is yours as far as what do you want to do with your current state in life.  No one can make that choice but you.<3 span="">

Monday, May 13, 2013

Words can be like a double edge sword...they maim and leave invisible scars..

Words can be like a doubled edge sword....they maim and leave invisible scars to which can't always be healed. As I tell my daughter all the time, "STOP and think before you speak and STOP and think before you act...... because once it is said and done, you can't get them back. It can't be undone and the damage has already been done."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

All the trials and tribulations that we go through are meant for personal growth and....

All the trials and tribulations that we go through are meant for personal growth and to remind us that we can not do it on our own,but to rely on God and ask Him to help us through whatever it is we are going through......to give us strength. <3 br="">

God puts us at the right place and the right time for a reason....

God puts us at the right time at the right place for a reason hence the sweet man of God,Charles Ramsey, who not only rescued the 3 women in Cleveland, OH, but he also refuses to accept the reward for rescuing them because he has a job and he only did what was right. God bless this wonderful human being. There is still "Good" in this world. The problem is we are ALL so busy and in such a hurry with our own lives that we don't take the time to listen to the whisper of God to be able to make a difference. That little nudge or whisper is Him directing your path for a reason. You can be a rescuer or a leader for good......Ignoring it could lead to unforeseen circumstances or missed opportunities.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't ever give up......

Don't ever give up......just keep "Praying" and keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. ♥

Friday, May 3, 2013

Light shines through the brokoen pieces of our lives which...

Light shines through the broken pieces of our lives which allows for growth. ♥

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Share your smile and start a chain reaction....you never know....

Have a very blessed day. Remember to be kind to everyone you come across in your path. Share your smile and start a chain reaction....you never know, that could be the only sunshine that person sees for the day. God bless *+* ♥

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We aren't here just to live for ourselves..

We aren't here just to live for ourselves, we are here to be a blessing to one another and to live for Him. <3 br="">