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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We are all so diverse in our way of thinking and comprehending of what is said...

We are all so diverse in our way of thinking and comprehending of what is said, read, or written. Two people may read the same article and come away with two separate point of views or understanding of what they read. Therefore, perhaps, if someone comes across something they read by an individual and before they get offended by what they read or any accusations being said, to please ask the person who wrote it and ask what was meant by it prior to getting upset and misconstruing something that was taken out of context, all causing mayhem where it should not have been. When someone sincerely apologizes for upsetting the individual(s), unintentionally I might add, then it should be taken at face value.....nothing more, nothing less. A sincere apology from the heart should be accepted and the unrelenting of the issue should be put to rest. Just pray and walk away when all else fails. <3 br="">

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