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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Achieve to inspire someone today..

Achieve to inspire people. Allow God to use you as His vessel and instrument so that when people see you or your posts and/or status updates they say, "It is because of you that I never gave up." We can all do our part if only you will take the time and effort. If you could reach even one person daily, you would have made your Father proud and one step closer to Him. God bless ♥

Saturday, March 30, 2013

He died. He rose. He LIVES!!!

He died. He rose. He LIVES!!! *+* ♥

Enjoy the simpler things in life to be happy...

Ahhh The simple things in life can make us so happy. You don't need to spend money you don't have to be happy. You don't need to have plastic surgery to make you happy. You don't need someone to love you to make you happy. You don't need to drink to make you happy..........in the end all these will only make you sad. The only way you're going to be truly happy is to enjoy the simpler things in life and all it has to offer. You can't buy happiness and no one can give it to you.....you need to look within yourself to find this. ♥

Friday, March 29, 2013

Distractions along the way...

There will be distractions along the way of reaching your goals, but focus on Him and you will arrive at your destination. ♥

The atheist teacher asked the students..

The atheist teacher asked the students if they could see God and how does He exist if you can't see Him. The student then asked the teacher if she could see her brain and how did she know she had one. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. ♥

Good Friday..

Today, Good Friday, is the day that we should all remember that the unblemished lamb was sacrificed out of much love for us, the sinners. We are so blessed by His grace that we should live our lives for Him out of appreciation for what He has done for us. This is our repayment to Him. God bless ♥

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Count your many blessings...

Instead of always complaining.......Count your many blessings for they too can be taken away from you. Be grateful and start living as though you are. <3 br="">

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Two wrongs don't make a right...

As I told my daughter, "Two wrongs don't make a right". Don't lower yourself to the other person's level for you become just like them. Just walk away with your head held high while praying for them. Walk away from all that drama. Let God handle it for you. We are here to encourage one another and lift one another in our time of need. That is part of our purpose here on earth.....to help the lost to see the light and to help our brethren as needed.

Being cruel and violent...

Being cruel and violent either by verbal or physical abuse is NOT love people. You don't hurt the one you love.....esp on purpose. The abuser is more of a bully and a controlling manipulating individual. You need to run as far away and as quickly as possible to somewhere safe and away from your abuser. The life you save may be your own and if there are children involved, the life of your children as well. Remember, LOVE does NOT hurt. ♥

We as Christians...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let go of the past...

Forgive those who hurt,abuse, took advantage of you or betrayed you and most of all Myriam, forgive yourself for letting them. Let go of all the past and all the hurt so you can live in peace in the present....to live for Him and to move forward and onward with your life. <3 br="">

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty..

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." ~Mother Teresa

You can also be in a crowd of people or with your partner and be made to feel alone or lonely. Be with people who appreciate your presence or show them your absence. Life is too short to not be appreciated especially by the one you love and supposedly loves you. ♥

Monday, March 25, 2013

My God is NOT dead....

My God is NOT dead.He's surely alive.......living on the inside roaring like a Lion. ♥

Life is too short worrying about...

Life is too short worrying about who doesn't like us or why. It really is none of our business. What is our business is to pray for such people, but especially "Love" the people that love us. ♥

Sunday, March 24, 2013


A rainbow or sun usually appears once the rain has subsided. Just as a blessing is right around the corner after you have overcome the obstacles in your life. Don't stop trying. NEVER give up.....keep placing one foot in front of the other and follow God's guidance. Your blessings are your rewards from passing the tests on God's Life Lessons ......your blessings will be waiting for you upon your completion of His test. ♥

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I can do all things through Christ who.....

You can make excuses and blame everyone else or life's happen stances and obstacles that come across your path for the reason you aren't successful and not attaining your goals in life or you can do something about it and go after that dream and make something of yourself and your life. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something and you won't make anything out of yourself or your life when God clearly says,

"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"

Philippians 4:13

Judging someone is NOT an option..

Judging someone on appearance alone is NOT an option. Everyone has feelings......WORDS DO HURT.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let Jesus take the wheel..

When nothings seems to be going right and everything seems to be going wrong with mayhem around every corner,no end in sight............. scoot over and let Jesus take wheel. It is when we try to steer our lives by ourselves without any guidance from Jesus is when we recognize we need the help. Let go of the control and let Him steer you where you weren't meant to be,not where you want to be. You can't do it on your own nor should you have that mentality. We are here to live for Him. ♥

You are the air that I breathe...

You are the air that I breathe. You are the reason for my being. You are my everything..........My life and soul belong to You. Use me as your tool to help the lost see their way with your unconditional love and words of truth. ♥

Love yourself...

Your sense of self-worth and love has to come from within. People will always let you down.....intentional or otherwise......it's just human nature. You can't allow others determine your value. You can be your own best friend or your own worst enemy critic......it all comes down to what we tell ourselves and how we treat ourselves. In the long run....we are the ones who have to live with ourselves when everyone else is gone. So treat yourself with love,kindness, and compassion. You deserve it. <3 br="">

Having a good heart is of God...

Having a good heart is of God. Don't let the corrupt ways of the world and the wicked and hateful people in it make you lose your way. Don't let them suppress your good heart and your smile along with it. Keep fighting the "Good" fight and with God by your side, you can't fail. You will have touched so many lives doing so. ♥

Anytime satan reminds us of our past...

Anytime satan reminds us of our past or puts negative thoughts in our heads, remind him of his future because Jesus is your "ROCK" and source of strength. ♥

You are "Never" too old to follow your dreams...

You are "NEVER" too old follow your dreams and make them come true. Julia Childs was in the prime of her life when she decided to take up cooking at the young age of 51 and has since been known as one of the most desirable Chefs in the world. Picasso was in his middle age of 56 when he became a well renowned artist. Colonel Sanders started his own business, KFC, at the tender age of 64. Age is just a chronological number, but your dreams stay young forever......waiting for you to take control and make them come true. ♥

Beauty doesn't come from the size of your jeans..

Your beauty doesn't come from the size of your jeans,but by the size of your heart. ♥

Being grateful...

If you woke up this morning.....you should be "Grateful" for God granted you another day of life. Live it well. ♥

Monday, March 18, 2013

Step up and be the "Hero" that your children...

Step up and be the "Hero" that your children need. Be there for them. They need your presence, NOT presents. Teach them the good word, love them, give them your time and attention. Discipline them and whatever you do, don't give up on them. Pray for them and with them if possible all with God by your side. Your children will thank you in the long run......maybe not today, or tomorrow, or even the next day,but perhaps when they become young adults and/or have children of their own will they begin to appreciate all you have done for them and with them not to mention your many sacrifices you have made for them. God bless ♥

I relinquish myself to Him..

I relinquish myself to Him. Only He has given me the strength to go on when I thought I could no longer. He is my friend and confidante........my "ROCK" and source of strength......my everything. ♥


Approximately 1/3 of the inhabitants on Earth are dying and then the huge asteroid hit, greatest earthquake, solar darkness, great hail plague and fire falling from heaven now the locusts descend upon Israel before Obama visits. You don't think these are the signs of the "End" times"? We all need to open our eyes and see what is going on around us. Are you ready for the 2nd coming? It's not too late to repent and get informed, but do so quickly. He will come like a twinkle in the night. Don't be left behind because of ignorance or pride. God bless us all everywhere. *+* ♥

Thank you dear Lord for...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I believe in...

I believe there is sun even if it's raining. I believe I have a heart when I don't feel it beating. I believe I have a brain even if I'm sleeping. I believe in good when all I mainly see is evil. And I believe in God even if I don't see Him. I would rather die having lived for Him and to find out that He did not exist then to have lived not believing He existed and regretted it upon my death. ♥

Our inner " Light"......

We need to use our inner "Light" that God has granted us with and lead the lost to Him anyway Christianly possible,but first you have to befriend the sinners and gently coax them with "Love" NOT bigotry or righteousness. God bless. *+* ♥

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ordinary person...

I am just an ordinary person who hides many problems behind my smiles,but I strive to go on not because I have to,but I do so for Him. He is my reason for living. ♥

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hug can speak without even been spoken to..

Sometimes all we need is someone to be there for us......not to "Fix" anything or give advice, but to just listen. A "Hug" during trying times can mean so much more than advice. A hug has the capacity to speak without even been spoken to...... from the heart. Just say these 3 little words that speaks volumes........"I am here". ♥

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Love can be ascertained...

Love can be ascertained and once it is given and received freely, we are to nurture it like a flower in a garden. Water it, fertilize it, weed it, and have plenty of sunshine for growth......NOT to possess it. Possession is of control and suffocation. Just like fire needs oxygen to thrive.......Love needs respect and trust to survive. ♥

Guilty by association...

You know what they say, "Guilty by association". Whether we like it or not, when we let our guards down evil penetrates our good layers. Be mindful and watchful of who your peers are. Eventually you'll be just like them. So choose carefully and wisely. ♥

Pretty is as pretty does...

You know what they say,"Pretty is as pretty does." Regardless of how attractive a person is, if you have an ugly personality and an ugly heart, that makes you "Ugly" in my opinion. ♥

Stand up for ourselves...

Sometimes we need to stand up for ourselves and respect ourselves enough to NOT allow people to walk all over us and disrespect us. You can still be nice and love your enemies, but don't allow yourself to be abused and used. You have rights also. ♥

Unconditional love..

I was just thinking, He loves us not for what we can do for Him nor what we have done, but simply because He loves us for us......conditionally. What an awesome love that is. Nothing will ever compare to His love. I am ever so grateful and blessed to have this unconditional love. <3 br="">

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Don't you just hate it when people stare at you and won't say anything.......esp when you're eating. It makes me on edge. You want to say, "Would you like my autograph?" or....."Take a picture, it will last longer." However, I can't be rude. I just look at them and smile in hopes of them quit staring. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I then just "Stare" back. LOL ♥

Let your "inner Light" shine..

Let your "Inner Light" shine so brightly for all to see. Be the beacon in the night to help the lost to see. ♥

Monday, March 11, 2013

I am grateful...

People always say when they see me I always have a smile on my face. That is true I usually do,but it doesn't mean my life is perfect. It merely means that I am grateful for everything that I have and everything that happened to me, good and bad. All these helped me to be the person who I am today.......a much better person than when I was 20. I may not have everything I want,but God granted me everything I need. I couldn't be more blessed. I am ever so grateful for His unconditional love towards me. I try to live for Him the best I can with what I have where I am to show my gratitude. If it wasn't for His grace, I wouldn't be here typing this. God bless *+* ♥

Christians in pakistan displaced due to homes being burned down...

I pray for everyone everywhere everyday,but let's especially pray today for the dislocated Christian families whose houses were burned down in Pakistan because of their denomination,being Christians. May the good Lord give them the strength and courage to get through this. May their provisions be met. Those that harms God's children will have to answer to Him. God bless them all and God bless us everywhere. ♥

No one is perfect...

We all have faults. No one is perfect. All we can do is be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be. Focus on your good points. Don't compare yourself to others because you will only disappoint yourselves in the process. God gave us all our very own unique talents and gifts to use to walk your own journey. I can walk beside you,but I can't walk your journey for you...... for you must do that alone in order to find your own path in Life. God bless *+* <3 br="">

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I am still a work in progres..

I may not be where I need to be, but I thank God that I'm not where I used to be. I know I am NOT perfect and I know that I'm still a work in progress; God is stilling work on me. He knows my heart. God bless *+* ♥

The events in our lives....

We may not be able to control the events in our lives, but we can control whether or not to be reduced by them. It is our attitude of what happens to us that determines the outcome. ♥

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Self-Love and Self-Worth has to come from within....

Why do we as people place our worth and love in somebody else's hands and heart? It has to come from within and if the relationship ends, you at least will still have your self-love and self-worth with you, intact. No one is better than you.....they are just different. Don't appoint someone your happiness guru because it will fail you every time. We are all human and it is just human nature to let someone down......intentional or otherwise. When you live for people instead of God, you will always end up being disappointed. You have yourself to blame for relinquishing your "ALL" and losing yourself in the process. It takes two to have a relationship and it takes two for the break up. It is never one-sided. You need to take ownership in this as well. There is your side, their side, and then there is the "Truth". Be your own best friend for in the end when it comes down to it......you are all you have after the break up. If you lose YOU.....you lose a friend. When life is good, cherish the memories,but when it is bad.........learn from it and move on. Don't let a broken relationship make you stagnant. Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. Whether you like it or not, Life will go on.....with or without you. It is your choice. I hope and pray it is the right choice. ♥

Never submerge yourself so deep into a relationship

Never submerge yourself so deep into a relationship or give up all control of your heart to someone who doesn't care about losing you anyway by losing yourself in the process. Self preservation.....keep a little for yourself. Know your self worth and deserve better from people or they will take everything you have and leave you empty. You need to fight for yourself in this process if you ever want your life back after the break up. Remember you are worthy of so much more than you give yourself credit for and deserve so much more. ♥

Life goes on...

People change, bad things happen, the seasons change, but I promise you this......Life goes on. ♥

We need to leave better children for our world...

♥ ~ We need to leave better children for our world not just a better world for our children. Children need more of your presence, not presents in order to be productive members of society. ~ ♥

People come in and out of our lives for a reason...

People come in and out of our lives for a reason just like the seasons: They are meant to hurt and leave us so we can become stronger, to learn something from them and better yet, to learn something of ourselves in the process.  Just like all the mistakes and all the trials and tribulations along the way.....they are  meant to make us better and stronger for it, not bitter. Don't cry....smile because it happened....even if for just a little while. What is that old adage....."It is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all." <3 br="">

Friday, March 8, 2013

Don't take your life for granted...

Don't take your life for granted for it can be taken away at a moment's notice. Be sure to thank God for you waking up each morning.......that is your "Gift" from Him. ♥

Just being there is enough...

Just being there is enough. You don't always have to "Fix' things for everybody.....sometimes they just need to know you are there for them and listen with an open heart. ♥

Negative people...

Avoid at all cost "Negative" people for they only bring you down and decrease your lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Surround yourself with "Positive" people and who will be there to encourage you instead of deflate you and your dreams. ♥

A smile is a Universal language...

A smile is a "Universal" language and it costs nothing to give. A smile is a "((HUG)) from you and validates to the person you are smiling at.....that they are worthy of being alive. ♥

Woman was made from the rib of man...

"Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him. Nor from his feet to be stepped on. She was made from his side to be equal to him. From beneath his side to be equal to him. From beneath his arm to be protected by him. Near his heart to be loved by him." Happy Women's Day!!! Love you all. Have a blessed day in the Lord. *+* ♥

Thursday, March 7, 2013


What kind of legacy will you leave behind? One full of love and compassion or one full of hatred and bigotry? ♥

Our purpose...

God gave His only son to die for ours so we in essence can be "Reborn" and in doing so we are suppose to live our lives for Him and to help one another out along the way. Bring the lost to Him and encourage and uplift one another spiritually when the need arises. Our mission is His mission. God bless <3 br="">

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Most romantic city of the dead...

♥ ~The most romantic city in the world sits just 100 ft above the largest mass grave in history known as "The Empire of Dead", the "Catacombs". Yes, the most romantic city in the world is known as Paris, France. Still feeling romantic? ~ ♥

In the end it is how you lived your life that matters..

In the end it is how you lived your life that matters. It doesn't matter how rich you are or how beautiful you think you are. What matters is what you left behind. Did you care enough to share kind words even to the unkind people? Did you smile at someone who when they saw your smile made them feel less invisible? Did you do something for someone because they couldn't afford it and felt good about doing it all the while didn't expect anything in return? What will your life consist of before you die? ♥

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Letting go of Anger...

Holding on to "Anger" will not allow you to go through the healing process. Let go of all the anger and hurt and start allowing yourself to heal. You are only hurting yourself in the process of not letting go. ♥

Be kind to yourself...

Be kind to yourself. You believe what you think you are. You can either be your own best friend or your own worst enemy. Your thoughts go a long way so why not start loving yourself for all the right things vs for all the wrongs things you have done. You are still worthy and lovable. ♥

Monday, March 4, 2013

You are not alone...

You are not alone.......there is someone out there who is in the same boat as you are if not worse. Let's pray for one another. ♥

No matter how good of a person you are....

No matter how good of a person you might be, unfortunately there will always be people hating you.......just because. Just because they hate their own lives.......Just because they are jealous of you.......Just because they don't like who they are. Rest assured, it is NOT about you, but all about them and their issues with themselves and their lives. Keep doing good and focus on God and you will go far. ♥

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Don't let anyone dictate...

Don't ever let someone dictate how you should live your life. They are not the ones who have to live it and suffer the consequences. Just remember to put God first and you can't go wrong. I am not saying it is going to be easy,but it will be so worth it and easier with Him in your life than not. <3 br="">

Friday, March 1, 2013

Words do hurt....

It's sad that people care so much what other people think of them that they have resorted to great measures to show people they are just as beautiful as they are and should be accepted by society...........Two words...........ANOREXIA  and BULIMIA. Words, one phrase can change a person's life forever. We are held accountable for what we do and say......no matter what you think......your words do hurt others. Choose your words wisely before you spit them out. Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. <3 br="">