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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You have the power to make your life a happy one or not...

YOU have the power to make your life a happy one or not. You also give your power to people who may take that away from you......remember, it is your choice.......NOT theirs, whether you are happy or not. You have to be your own best advocate and your own best friend to fight for yourself and your life. No one else will. ♥

Monday, April 29, 2013

You are NOT a mistake...

Don't let anyone tell you that your birth or existence was a mistake. How can you be when God created each and everyone of us in His loving image for a reason. God does NOT make mistakes. ♥

Not forgiving someone for what they have done to you will only hurt you in the.......

Not forgiving someone for what they have done to you will only hurt you in the long run. It will make you bitter and live a short unhappy life. Holding on to grudges and wanting revenge only shortens your life while those who wronged you live on with their life not thinking of what they had done to you nor do they care. Forgive those who have hurt you,abused you, mistreated you verbally and physically, NOT for them, but for YOU and your peace of mind. Most of all pray for them. ♥

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Negativity,worry,anything of the sort is of the devil. Remind hm who.....

Negativity,worry,anything of the sort is of the devil. Remind him who your Father is and remind him of his future. You stand strong in the Lord. <3 br="">

How sad to lose a once close friend(s) just because we have difference of opinions such as.....

How sad to lose a once close friend(s) just because we have difference of opinions such as politics. It is NOT that one is right and one is wrong, it is just that, a difference of opinion. We ALL should behave like mature, grown, responsible adults and just learn to agree to disagree on certain topics. ♥

Saturday, April 27, 2013

You can try it your way, but you will always fail or suffer doing......

You can try it your way, but you will always fail or suffer doing so because ultimately God will prevail. ♥

Racism is taught not born...

Racism is taught not born. Unfortunately it breeds from our parents, environment and upbringing. We need to "NOT" teach racism, bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and prejudice  to our young and perhaps the world will be a much better place to live upon..........side by side full of acceptance and love instead of one full of hate because of the color of our skin or ethnicity. For the first, most important formative years, children know nothing of compassion, tolerance, love, human decency and truth until we show them by our actions and tell them using our words. We are ALL God's children;therefore it should NOT matter what the color of our skin is. ♥

Friday, April 26, 2013

Be strong in the Lord for He has His hands on you and....

Be strong in the Lord for He has His hands on you and He sees great things in you. ♥

Be "Kind" to the "Unkindest" people for they need it the most.

Be "Kind" to the "Unkindest" people for they need it the most. <3 br="">

Thursday, April 25, 2013

You shouldn't base your happiness on a person...

You shouldn't base your happiness on a person. It has to come from within. People will let you down, intentional or not. And possessions are just that, possessions. They can't reciprocate love. Love yourself first and everything else will fall into place. ♥

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'll "Love" YOU forever. I'll like YOU for always. As long as I'm living my "Baby" you'll be.

I'll "Love" YOU forever. I'll like YOU for always. As long as I'm living my "Baby" you'll be. <3 br="">

Let us not forget to "Love" ourselves in the process of loving others...

Let us not forget to "Love" ourselves in the process of loving others. You matter too. You can't get the kind of love you are searching for in others or things.....it has to come from within. Protect yourself though. Love,but don't allow yourself to be abused. Give, but don't allow yourself to be used. Most of all, trust your instincts.....don't let anyone take advantage of your love or kindness. Just be sure to listen to your instincts, they will steer you clear of trouble. ♥

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Children are the life line to the world. Children are God's gifts and miracles on a loan to us from above...

Children are the life line to the world. Children are God's gifts and miracles on a loan to us from above. They are an extension of their parents, upbringing and environment. We are to love them, to guide them, discipline with a soft word, protect them,teach them,nurture them and lead them to walk a life such as the Father walked. We are their advocate and their teacher. Children are very impressionable and astute to what is going on around them;therefore the children need to see us not only "Talk the Talk" but also see us "Walk the Walk". Don't say one thing and do another. <3 br="">

Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized

Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized

I don't want to gain the whole world if I have to lose my soul doing it...

I don't want to gain the world if I have to lose my soul doing it. ♥
(Matthew 16:26) "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole World, and loses his own Soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his Soul?"

Use all the negatives that come into your life and learn from it....let it.....

Use all the negatives that come into your life and learn from it....let it make you wiser not bitter. ♥

Monday, April 22, 2013

Every moment...think God....

Every moment....think God. Think before we act and think before we speak.....let God shine through our actions and words. <3 br="">

Just be "YOU" and the right people will come along and....

Just be "YOU" and the right people will come along and like "YOU" for who "YOU" are and not a pretend version of yourself. ♥

If you have to force anything.........

If you have to force anything.....it's not worth it. Let it go and move on. ♥

Sunday, April 21, 2013

If ALL individuals were to recognize that we are ALL responsible for one another.....

If ALL individuals were to recognize that we are ALL responsible for one another,this world would be a much better place for all who resides on this planet. Are we not our "Brothers' Keeper"? If you see someone faltering or need help in any way....are we not suppose to help them to see the light and sway from the darkness with love and compassion? Until we realize that, there will always be mayhem and unnecessary hardships. ♥

Saturday, April 20, 2013

You may see me smile a lot and you may think I am "Happy" all the time....

You may see me smile a lot and you may think I am "Happy" all the time, but this can be further from the truth. I show my strength to the world and yet I am crying on the inside and the tears are from the depths of my soul.

My smile is to let others know that I come across that they are validated and are worthy as a person, to be recognized and not looked over as if their existence didn't matter.

My smile helps me to remember that I am NOT the only one who is going through trials and tribulations. We ALL are at some point in our lives going through our own personal hell and problems.

My smile is because I have overcome these trials and tribulations and that I have learned from them and I became wiser and stronger than before.

My smile also helps me to cheer up because I know my dark days and my problems can't last forever for this too shall pass. I have God by my side and I relinquish all my cares,woes, and burdens to be laid upon His feet. He is bigger than all my problems and yours combined. :)

My smile helps me to realize that tomorrow is a brand new day with new hopes and possibilities.

My smile is for remembering the good times and cherish them for they don't last forever either,but can forever remain in our hearts and memories.

My smile is from me to you out of "LOVE" and just because. <3 br="">

I know we are ALL going through our own trials and tribulations, but.....

I know we are ALL going through our own trials and tribulations, but let us remember, that there are others who have it so much worse than what we are going through. There are so many battles others are facing that you don't even know about. So please, next time you come across someone, share your smile with them. It doesn't cost a dime and it can mean all its weight in gold to the person receiving it. Be kind and be patient as you would want the same done for you. God bless *+* ♥

Friday, April 19, 2013

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you, support you, and lift you up not.....

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you, support you, and lift you up not degrade you and bring you down. You can do that all on your own. ♥

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Each day is better than the day before....

Each day is better than the day before. It gives us a new beginning, a second chance of living if you will, so make the most of it and let us not forget to thank God for waking us up to this second chance of living called "Morning". ♥

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God created us ALL for a reason...

God created us ALL for a reason. We are all equally important and were created by Him for a purpose. ♥

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We need to continually seek God and put Him first in our lives.....

We need to continually seek God and put Him first in our lives. There are so many natural disasters as well as man-made disasters that are happening more and more frequently. Earthquakes, famine, drought, bombings, floods,illnesses, viruses, and the list goes on. Are these not the signs of the times my friends? We all need to put our priorities in perspective and get ready for His coming. It is NEVER too late to do so. God bless us ALL Everywhere throughout the world. *+* ♥

(Matthew 24:7) “For Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom. And there will be Famines, Pestilences, and (EARTHQUAKES) in various places.”

(Luke 21:11) “And there will be great (EARTHQUAKES) in various places, and Famines and Pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from Heaven.”

Monday, April 15, 2013

Make every moment and every day count....

Make every moment and every day count. Don't concentrate on the bad things and worry about tomorrow. For tomorrow is NOT promised to us and it will take care of itself. As for the bad things, they can't last forever. Focus on the one true thing that matters......God. He will get you through anything. Just have "Faith" and patience. God bless *+ *♥

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Instead of always complaining....let's count all our many blesesings instead....

Instead of always complaining.....let's count all our many blessings instead. Let us thank God for yet another beautiful day. A day to share Love, Compassion, Kindness to all we come across. Let's watch it spread like wild fire. ♥

Friday, April 12, 2013

You can't "Photoshop" an ugly personality...

You can photoshop your picture to make you more attractive and appealing to the eye;however no amount of photoshop will cover your "Ugly" personality. "Pretty is as Pretty does". ♥

Always put yourself in other' people's shoes....

"Always put yourself in other people's shoes. You don't know what they're going through and what battles they are struggling. If it will hurt you, then you know it will hurt them also." Be mindful and considerate of others. ♥

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I shiver at the thought that people will walk on by and not help the person or people in need...

I shiver at the thought that people will walk by and not help the person or people in need. They can be right there in front of them and they will walk on by. No second thought or a second glance. This truly breaks my heart.  I am a person if I see anyone who needs help in any way, I go out of my way to lend a helping hand. I always try to put myself in other peoples' shoes. I would want the same to be done for me. That is just how I am.

It saddens me when I see how the world has changed us. We have become a society where we are more cold hearted towards one another and society in general. Have we become oblivious to our surroundings or have we been desensitized because of all the media that we get bombarded with on a daily basis?

Either way, I choose to NOT let the world change the core of who I am. Everyone is my brother in need and as such I will try to be there for them......one way or another. <3 p="">

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Appreciate and love everyone person that comes into your life...

Appreciate and love every person that comes into your life. For each person that comes across your path, does so for a reason. If they're good to you, then cherish the moments for they may not last forever such as life. If people are unreasonably cruel and treat you with malice....pray for them and love them too for they evidently need it the most. They are here to teach you a lesson. You are being tested and how you choose to react is your final grade. These people make you realize you do NOT want to be like them. You want to be a better person than them and a better person then you were yesterday. ♥

Just STOP what you're doing right now and "Breathe"....

Just stop what you're doing right now and "Breathe". Just because you had a bad day today doesn't mean tomorrow will be bad too or the rest of your life for that matter. Tomorrow is full of 2nd chances hopefully one with better days ahead. Shake off yesterday and start anew and eagerly anticipating for what tomorrow can bring. ♥



Whatever the trials and tribulations Life has thrown at you.........

Whatever the trials and tribulations Life has thrown at you.....pray and ask God to help you through. You can't do it alone and He doesn't want you to. He is waiting for you to talk to Him today. ♥

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Without Faith there is no Hope.....w/o Hope there is no Love......and w/o Love there is....

Without Faith there is no Hope........ without Hope there is no Love .......and without Love there is only chaos and mayhem.

When Life goes awry as they will...

Remember, that when life goes awry, when people are cruel to you, things go wrong as they often will, everyone and everything seems to be against you.............kneel in "PRAYER". We can NOT do it alone nor should we think we can. Don't give in to all the negativity, hatred, anger against the ones who wronged you. That is what satan wants you to do. Anything negative is of the devil. Instead, bring all your negativity, worries, hatred, anger, disgust to God. Let Him fight your battle for you. Satan is trying to lure you away from God any way possible that includes wishing others ill will. Just PRAY for those who wronged you. Forgive them, not for them, but for your own sake.....to free yourself of the bitterness and anger so you can live in PEACE. God knows and sees all. We just have to stay focused on Him and stay faithful in prayer because this too shall pass. We all are being tested. Both satan and God has plans for us. It is your choice which one to follow. God bless *+* ♥

Living You "Loved" us. Dying You "Saved" us...

Thank you Jesus for allowing Yourself to die for us sinners as per Your Father's request so that we may have another chance at living. Living You "Loved" us. Dying You "Saved" us. As such, we should "Live" for You as our token of appreciation. I love You and I for one am so blessed to have You in my Life. You exude all things "Good". Thank You for Your endless love.  ♥

He is my "Everything"....

He is my "Everything". My past, my present and my future. Without Him I am nothing,but with Him I am a child of God who is loved unconditionally and is saved by His grace. I am so very blessed. <3 br="">

Your mistakes do NOT define you as a person...

Remember, Your mistakes do NOT define you as a person. Mistakes are there to help you learn. It is how you over came all of them that make you the person you are today.....hopefully a stronger and a much wiser person than before. ♥

Monday, April 8, 2013

My body and cereal are in competition with one another...

My body and cereal are in competition with one another to see who can make the loudest noises.....the only thing is, the cereal needs milk to make those sounds of snap, crackle and pop. I can do it all on my own without any milk. LOL

Sunday, April 7, 2013

God's NO is not a rejection,but one of redirection...

In the end it will always be His way not ours. Whatever He has in store for us is a whole better than what we think we have in store for ourselves. Or wants and needs aren't necessary those of God. God supplies all our wants and needs, anything other is purely selfish and greedy. <3 br="">

Friday, April 5, 2013

There can NEVER be trust between two people who...

There can NEVER be trust between two people who cheated with one another on their significant partners. You will always wonder in the back of your mind if they will "cheat" on you esp since you both cheated together. Not a good basis and foundation for a relationship. ♥

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sometimes all we can do is be there for them by way of...

Sometimes when someone is going through something in their lives whether it be a loss of some sort, health, job loss, family feud, friendship discord, finances, spiritual.....whatever the circumstances.......it is times like these that they don't necessarily want advice. Sometimes all you can do is just be there for them and say these (3) impactful words to let them know you care....."I am here" and "I love you". ♥

I am but a child of God and as such.........

I have been through a lot in my life as we all have. I have been abused mentally, emotionally, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse,neglected, rejected...........all from different people in my life. Some were family members, or friends of the family, while others were the wrong guys that I chose for myself because I thought that was what I deserved. I've been beaten down in life, but I always pulled myself back up from my bootstraps, dusted myself off and with God by my side along my journey....I persevered. If it were not for Him, I wouldn't be here today typing this.

He is my "ROCK", my source of strength. He is my Best Friend and "Confidante". He loves me for me and He loves me unconditionally. He died for me and as such I want to live for Him now and forever. I have a need to do right by Him so He can be proud of who I became. I have come so far, but I have so much further to go. I am by no means perfect, but  I am NOT the same person I used to be. My past is just that, the past. It was my teacher and I have learned so much about people, life, and mostly about myself. That I am a much wiser person and a much stronger person because of it. I have also learned not to become like those people.

No matter how hard you try to "live your life your way" just as Ole blue eyes, Frank Sinatra, sang,"I did it my way"......it will always be full of misery,hardships,and heartaches because God has already preplanned your destiny for you. His way will always prevail and if you STOP trying to live life "your way" and live it according to His way.....it will be a much better and easier life to live.

God has me here for a purpose as for you all. He has His reasons for everything that happens. We may not understand His wisdom, we just have to accept His will. I do not know what that may be, but I know I am a much better person than when I started on this journey of life, but I have a ways to go. He is still working on me;therefore I am still a work in progress. I am so blessed for so many things, mostly because of His grace for having forgiven me of my sins. I therefore try to tribute my life to live for Him the best I can with what I have where I am in appreciation of what He has done for me.

I may not quote scriptures like most people on here because I feel, in my personal opinion, that while the scriptures are good as a reference point, I choose to show my love for Him differently, to appeal to the masses by my posts and/or status updates because the scriptures and words needs a visual to remember what was said. I like to coax people gently and still get my message across........hopefully one of compassion, respect and love for all living beings. To reach those who are lost and bring them that much closer to Him.

A quote by Benjamin Franklin said it best, "Tart words make no friends; a spoonful or honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar".

You can capture bees with honey, not vinegar. Your words speaks volumes about yourself along with your actions towards others.

It's like some Christians that I have witnessed and come across are so hypocritical. "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.' Show me by example, don't tell me you are and yet do the opposite. Such hypocrisy. :(

We are who we are because of what has happened to us in our past, but it should never let it define us. We should learn from it and take the lessons we learn to make us that much wiser and to share our knowledge with those who may need it and benefit from it. To let others know that they are not alone and that they too shall over come it and become stronger because of it.

Each person that comes across our path happens for a reason. A divine intervention from God if you will. People are meant to hurt us so that we may become stronger, to learn something from them and the experience, or better yet to learn something of ourselves in the process.

For those who have hurt me and you know who you are....I "Forgive" you. I do so not for you,but for me. I cannot let what happened to me make me bitter. I choose to let it make me better. I am not defined by my past and I choose not to be a victim because of it. I choose rather to be a "Victor" all with God by my side.

For those I have hurt, I am truly sorry. I can only hope you can forgive me and I ask your forgiveness. I am NOT the same person as I was then even though it was not done intentionally or out of malice but one of fear,hurt,and pain.

I may not have been the perfect daughter, sister, friend, or mother, but I am the best version of me that I can possibly me.

To God, I thank You everyday upon waking up for yet another chance and another day of Life. Thank You for all my second chances called "Mornings" to start a brand new day with brand new hopes and ideas. Another day to share Your love for us and with others.

I am but a Child of God and as such I will try to reflect that in everything I say and do. I want people to see Him in me when they hear me, see me, or read my wall. A message of love and God.

I pray for everyone everywhere everyday upon waking up before I even rise to start my day. I don't always do specific prayers unless sometime has told me the nature for their prayers. But nonetheless, I have everyone in my thoughts and prayers and I ask God each morning upon waking up and each evening upon going to bed to bless us all and to please hear all our prayers.

I hope that when I am gone, I have made some kind of difference in this world for the better. To leave a legacy one full of love,compassion, respect, and consideration for all.

I pray that my life may have meant something to someone. That my life has not been in vain.

I believe there is good in people. Some we  might have to look a little deeper than others, but I know it's there to be found. I try to be a positive person and I try to see the good in others, I want to believe the best in people. I have always been for the underdog and tried to help people the best I can. I have always befriended the friendless because I saw the hurt and longing in their eyes when they were rejected by people. If someone rejects you, it is not a reflection on you, they just don't know how fabulous you are and it is their loss. :)

I feel deeply and passionately for others. I feel their pain. I understand it. Sure, I have been hurt in the process and trusting too much,but I would still do it all over again. For if it changed but one life in doing so, then God's mission was accomplished via using me as His tool and vessel. I try to see positivity in everything. Even a broke clock has the correct time twice a day. ;)  I try to encourage people and lift them up spiritually and with some semblance of humor along the way.

Life is too short to be serious all the time. So lighten up. Laugh hardily til your side and stomach hurts. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance in the rain instead of running for cover. Sing like no one is listening....who cares if you're off key. Most of all, Love yourself as He first loved us. Forgive those who wronged you, hurt you,abused you just as quickly as you would want  God to forgive you and your sins.

Be the person you would want to meet. Be that "Mirror" that reflects love,respect,compassion, and kindness for others.

Have patience with yourselves and others, esp the elderly. God had patience with you so please be patient with yourself and others. All good things come in time.

Lend a helping hand to those that need it. Don't be greedy.......share your abundance and wealth with those less fortunate. If you have nothing to share monetarily, your time and love will do just as well.

If you can't be nice and speak kind words.....then may I suggest that you keep silent. Words can lift you up or tear you down......so please choose wisely. As I always taught my daughter, "Think before you speak and think before you act because once it is said and done, you can't undo either. What is done is done".

Trust is like glass, once it is broken and you try to repair it with glue, it will never be the same as it once was. It takes a life time to build that trust and just a second to break and lose it. Be careful who you trust your heart and life with.

You are beautiful just the way you are. You were created in His divine image and Likeness and He does NOT make any mistakes. You can't find love in people or possessions....it has to come from within. For when people leave you or hurt you and they will, or your possessions no longer are there for you.........YOU still have YOU and your love of yourself to get you through.

Being single doesn't mean that you aren't worthy of being loved, it simply means that God is writing your love story and He needs to make sure that person is "Perfect" for you. Don't settle for someone just because you are lonely and then have regrets afterwards. I would rather be in no relationship than one who made me feel lonely and miserable. I can do that all on my own.

Be your own best friend for in the end when it's all said and done, you are all you have so you might as well like yourself enough to love yourself.

In closing, plant the seed of kindness and compassion along the way and once it is planted in someone's life, it will blossom and spread like wild flower for all to witness and share.

Be kind to one another and love one another as He first loved us. Mostly,look beyond the facade of people or the walls they have built around themselves for we all are wearing some kind of mask and have some kind of wall up for protection because of what has transpired in our lives. But with patience and time with a whole lot of love.....that too can be overcome.

I want to say a big heartfelt "Thank You" to you all. For being there for me and encouraging me along the way when I needed it. For your comments and compliments I couldn't have asked for better friends such as you. Yes, I haven't met someone of you,but I feel as though I know you,just by sharing with me during this brief time we have interacted. I am honored and blessed to call you my friends.

A great BIG ((HUG)) and a kiss on the cheek. :*

I love you all. :) May God bless each and everyone of you now and always. *+*  
Mary <3 br="">

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Be your own best friend...

Be your own best friend for in the end when it's all said and done, you are all you have so you might as well like yourself enough to love yourself. ♥

I speak to everyone the same way, whether you're a .....

I speak to everyone the same way, whether you're a garbage man, a doctor, a cashier.......with "RESPECT". Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Be a "Mirror" for others to see, for you are the reflection of their attitude. ♥

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Each time I am going through something in my life, I always SOP and...

Each time I am going through something in my life, I always STOP and think, Jesus had it so much harder. Look what He endured and He never once complained. I then pull myself up from my bootstraps....dust myself off and try again. My prayers and "Faith" have gotten me this far and with His love and His guidance....I know I can complete my journey as He requested.

Our life should be a tribute to Him .....

Our life should be a tribute to Him in honor of His grace for forgiving us of our sins as sinners. He died for us so that we may live and in return our life should reflect that. The life that we lead should be our testament to Him so that the lost that we come in contact with, will know just who we are and what we stand for. May we announce it from the mountain tops for all the lost to hear and see.....may they walk beside us and follow the road to a righteous path full of love and eternal life. <3 br="">

Don't allow your past to make you bitter...

Don't allow your past to make you bitter.....it should make you better. The past is your teacher and you must learn from it and become all the much wiser for it. ♥

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but ....

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but they shall heal and mend eventually; however MEAN and HATEFUL words hurt forever. They leave a lasting affect on the psyche(heart,soul, and spirit) of a person and leaves a bruised heart that takes longer to mend than a broken bone....in some cases depending on the circumstances, some people never fully heal and mend depending on the nature of the abused. You can compliment someone  all the time,but when you hear an unkind word, that unkind word reverberates forever in our minds and all those compliments once said and heard have been diminished by the unkind words spoken. As I always tell my daughter, "Think before you speak and think before you act for once it is said and done you can't undo either. What is done is done". Words can either lift you up or tear you down..........so please choose your words wisely. <3 br="">

"Sorry" , A letter written by a man for women everywhere. So beautifully and eloquently written....from the heart.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Giving up....

We all can give up. That is the easy part. When life gets hard and it will, you have to persevere through it. Pray and ask God for His divine guidance because if you give up......you have not only failed yourself, but God as well. ♥

We all have been there.....we all have been....

We all have been there......we all have been hurt, known loss, have struggled, felt pain. These Life's experiences make us who we are today. It has made us stronger and more compassionate. It taught us to see with different eyes and feel differently than before. That is why we can appreciate what others are going through because we, ourselves, have gone through the same thing....hence, "Compassion". <3 br="">

Pretty is as Pretty does.....

Just as I tell my daughter. Pretty is as pretty does. You can be exquisitely attractive physically,but if you have an ugly heart.....that in itself makes you ugly all over. "Pretty is as pretty does." I have always looked for the goodness of people.....their heart. A good heart full of love,respect, and compassion for all living creatures along with a great personality and a sense of humor. God has given each and everyone of us talents and gifts. Some just have not opened their package yet. Upon finding and unwrapping our special gift from God....let us use it for Him and with Him in mind. God bless <3 br="">

You need to be the change you want to see....

You need to be the change you want to see in this world. ♥

If you can't be nice and....

If you can't be nice and speak good words then may I suggest you keep silent? ♥