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Thursday, April 4, 2013

I am but a child of God and as such.........

I have been through a lot in my life as we all have. I have been abused mentally, emotionally, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse,neglected, rejected...........all from different people in my life. Some were family members, or friends of the family, while others were the wrong guys that I chose for myself because I thought that was what I deserved. I've been beaten down in life, but I always pulled myself back up from my bootstraps, dusted myself off and with God by my side along my journey....I persevered. If it were not for Him, I wouldn't be here today typing this.

He is my "ROCK", my source of strength. He is my Best Friend and "Confidante". He loves me for me and He loves me unconditionally. He died for me and as such I want to live for Him now and forever. I have a need to do right by Him so He can be proud of who I became. I have come so far, but I have so much further to go. I am by no means perfect, but  I am NOT the same person I used to be. My past is just that, the past. It was my teacher and I have learned so much about people, life, and mostly about myself. That I am a much wiser person and a much stronger person because of it. I have also learned not to become like those people.

No matter how hard you try to "live your life your way" just as Ole blue eyes, Frank Sinatra, sang,"I did it my way"......it will always be full of misery,hardships,and heartaches because God has already preplanned your destiny for you. His way will always prevail and if you STOP trying to live life "your way" and live it according to His way.....it will be a much better and easier life to live.

God has me here for a purpose as for you all. He has His reasons for everything that happens. We may not understand His wisdom, we just have to accept His will. I do not know what that may be, but I know I am a much better person than when I started on this journey of life, but I have a ways to go. He is still working on me;therefore I am still a work in progress. I am so blessed for so many things, mostly because of His grace for having forgiven me of my sins. I therefore try to tribute my life to live for Him the best I can with what I have where I am in appreciation of what He has done for me.

I may not quote scriptures like most people on here because I feel, in my personal opinion, that while the scriptures are good as a reference point, I choose to show my love for Him differently, to appeal to the masses by my posts and/or status updates because the scriptures and words needs a visual to remember what was said. I like to coax people gently and still get my message across........hopefully one of compassion, respect and love for all living beings. To reach those who are lost and bring them that much closer to Him.

A quote by Benjamin Franklin said it best, "Tart words make no friends; a spoonful or honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar".

You can capture bees with honey, not vinegar. Your words speaks volumes about yourself along with your actions towards others.

It's like some Christians that I have witnessed and come across are so hypocritical. "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.' Show me by example, don't tell me you are and yet do the opposite. Such hypocrisy. :(

We are who we are because of what has happened to us in our past, but it should never let it define us. We should learn from it and take the lessons we learn to make us that much wiser and to share our knowledge with those who may need it and benefit from it. To let others know that they are not alone and that they too shall over come it and become stronger because of it.

Each person that comes across our path happens for a reason. A divine intervention from God if you will. People are meant to hurt us so that we may become stronger, to learn something from them and the experience, or better yet to learn something of ourselves in the process.

For those who have hurt me and you know who you are....I "Forgive" you. I do so not for you,but for me. I cannot let what happened to me make me bitter. I choose to let it make me better. I am not defined by my past and I choose not to be a victim because of it. I choose rather to be a "Victor" all with God by my side.

For those I have hurt, I am truly sorry. I can only hope you can forgive me and I ask your forgiveness. I am NOT the same person as I was then even though it was not done intentionally or out of malice but one of fear,hurt,and pain.

I may not have been the perfect daughter, sister, friend, or mother, but I am the best version of me that I can possibly me.

To God, I thank You everyday upon waking up for yet another chance and another day of Life. Thank You for all my second chances called "Mornings" to start a brand new day with brand new hopes and ideas. Another day to share Your love for us and with others.

I am but a Child of God and as such I will try to reflect that in everything I say and do. I want people to see Him in me when they hear me, see me, or read my wall. A message of love and God.

I pray for everyone everywhere everyday upon waking up before I even rise to start my day. I don't always do specific prayers unless sometime has told me the nature for their prayers. But nonetheless, I have everyone in my thoughts and prayers and I ask God each morning upon waking up and each evening upon going to bed to bless us all and to please hear all our prayers.

I hope that when I am gone, I have made some kind of difference in this world for the better. To leave a legacy one full of love,compassion, respect, and consideration for all.

I pray that my life may have meant something to someone. That my life has not been in vain.

I believe there is good in people. Some we  might have to look a little deeper than others, but I know it's there to be found. I try to be a positive person and I try to see the good in others, I want to believe the best in people. I have always been for the underdog and tried to help people the best I can. I have always befriended the friendless because I saw the hurt and longing in their eyes when they were rejected by people. If someone rejects you, it is not a reflection on you, they just don't know how fabulous you are and it is their loss. :)

I feel deeply and passionately for others. I feel their pain. I understand it. Sure, I have been hurt in the process and trusting too much,but I would still do it all over again. For if it changed but one life in doing so, then God's mission was accomplished via using me as His tool and vessel. I try to see positivity in everything. Even a broke clock has the correct time twice a day. ;)  I try to encourage people and lift them up spiritually and with some semblance of humor along the way.

Life is too short to be serious all the time. So lighten up. Laugh hardily til your side and stomach hurts. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance in the rain instead of running for cover. Sing like no one is listening....who cares if you're off key. Most of all, Love yourself as He first loved us. Forgive those who wronged you, hurt you,abused you just as quickly as you would want  God to forgive you and your sins.

Be the person you would want to meet. Be that "Mirror" that reflects love,respect,compassion, and kindness for others.

Have patience with yourselves and others, esp the elderly. God had patience with you so please be patient with yourself and others. All good things come in time.

Lend a helping hand to those that need it. Don't be greedy.......share your abundance and wealth with those less fortunate. If you have nothing to share monetarily, your time and love will do just as well.

If you can't be nice and speak kind words.....then may I suggest that you keep silent. Words can lift you up or tear you down......so please choose wisely. As I always taught my daughter, "Think before you speak and think before you act because once it is said and done, you can't undo either. What is done is done".

Trust is like glass, once it is broken and you try to repair it with glue, it will never be the same as it once was. It takes a life time to build that trust and just a second to break and lose it. Be careful who you trust your heart and life with.

You are beautiful just the way you are. You were created in His divine image and Likeness and He does NOT make any mistakes. You can't find love in people or possessions....it has to come from within. For when people leave you or hurt you and they will, or your possessions no longer are there for you.........YOU still have YOU and your love of yourself to get you through.

Being single doesn't mean that you aren't worthy of being loved, it simply means that God is writing your love story and He needs to make sure that person is "Perfect" for you. Don't settle for someone just because you are lonely and then have regrets afterwards. I would rather be in no relationship than one who made me feel lonely and miserable. I can do that all on my own.

Be your own best friend for in the end when it's all said and done, you are all you have so you might as well like yourself enough to love yourself.

In closing, plant the seed of kindness and compassion along the way and once it is planted in someone's life, it will blossom and spread like wild flower for all to witness and share.

Be kind to one another and love one another as He first loved us. Mostly,look beyond the facade of people or the walls they have built around themselves for we all are wearing some kind of mask and have some kind of wall up for protection because of what has transpired in our lives. But with patience and time with a whole lot of love.....that too can be overcome.

I want to say a big heartfelt "Thank You" to you all. For being there for me and encouraging me along the way when I needed it. For your comments and compliments I couldn't have asked for better friends such as you. Yes, I haven't met someone of you,but I feel as though I know you,just by sharing with me during this brief time we have interacted. I am honored and blessed to call you my friends.

A great BIG ((HUG)) and a kiss on the cheek. :*

I love you all. :) May God bless each and everyone of you now and always. *+*  
Mary <3 br="">

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